Gun-shot Statistics
Less than 5 minutes
When the Lazarus bullet enters the body, it releases a non-hazardous, biomaterial.
That material expands in the body to reduce the bleeding and increase the chances of survivability. Our biomaterial controls the exterior bleeding by filling the cavity and providing a physical barrier - mirroring a blood clot after a 30 second delay period. Meanwhile, the Lazarus bullet is still capable of neutralizing the threat like a normal bullet. |
Coupled with our patented serrated casing, Lazarus is able to provide unbeatable delivery of life-saving biomaterial. As our bullet enters the body, the petals of the bullet case are peeled back to more effectively deliver our blood-clotting material.
All of this is in a 9mm case - with the same stopping power of a standard 9mm bullet. |
Medical Background |
The body's reaction to a piece of lead entering at a minimum speed of 102 mph is severe. The momentum and speed of the bullet is the primary factor determining the extent of the injury. As the bullet enters the body, it's energy is transferred into the body. As it rotates upon penetration, it causes tearing in blood vessels, muscles, and potentially vital organs. In response, the body immediately beings to bleed both internally and externally.
Out of 23,422 trauma patients observed, 11.4% were GSW patients and they were 14x more likely to die than any other trauma patient. The overall mortality rate was 33% in transfused GSW victims.
Out of 23,422 trauma patients observed, 11.4% were GSW patients and they were 14x more likely to die than any other trauma patient. The overall mortality rate was 33% in transfused GSW victims.
Once the patient has received medical attention, replenishing the lost blood is the most important thing in treating hemorrhagic shock. However, blood transfusions can cost up to $300 per unit. In one study, a unit of red blood cells were $200 (compared to $500 for platelets) not including acquisition costs and 4x more for overhead costs such as storage, testing, transport, and transfusions. There was more money spent on blood for GSW patients than all non-GSW patients combined.
The percentage of mortality after the initial 24 hours compared to the first 24 hours are drastic, nearly a 35% difference. In other words, the chances of survivability after receiving treatment nearly guarantees survivability. The Lazarus bullet is able to give that additional cushion in time for medical treatment. By creating a longer critical care window, first responders have much greater capabilities for treating the patient.
About Us
Lazarus Solutions, LLC, is a specialty ammunition company founded by Ben Omonira and Nathan Panak while attending university together at Texas A&M University in College Station, Texas. Since its inception, Lazarus has won numerous grants and investments allowing them to begin producing and selling to police departments and defense contractors across the U.S.